Vegetables in my kitchen: A Pea in a pod

In the frozen darkness, I lay in between my brothers and sisters. After settling down in our current positions, we haven't moved an inch. I couldn't say how we've been here, since there's no time in this place, no sun, no wind to count by. I can only account for what was before this: it seemed like a slightly warmer place with a symphony of alien sounds and smells that had nothing to do with the ones at home. I also remember lying on top of other families, separated from ours by an impenetrable and impermeable membrane that doesn't belong to any animal I know. This strange blanket still confines us to a secluded place; it seems a toxic jail we can't escape from.

The temperature is nothing I've felt before; yet in a way, is similar to the embrace of the sun in the early morning, but it has nothing of the comfort and goodness the bright star in the sky has. The freeze is deadly; there are no possibilities in this environment. Everything is latent, forgotten, left here to keep an undetermined amount of time.
This might be a promise were it not for the quiet and desolation. No one of makes a sound, we are concentrated on the feeling of being frozen in spite our wishes. Being a rock must feel this way. When it started happening, I enjoyed the process, how it gradually started from outside in, surrounding me completely in a cool wave. But now all I can concentrate on is not freezing so much that any movement might shred me into tiny pieces of green.

Suddenly, the dark universe stirs and a warm fog clings to the toxic membrane. For a while no one moves, because no one can. Later on, we can feel some of our neighbours stirring by a strange force and we are swiftly picked up. At that moment, all my siblings dance up and down and I go along with them as in a bubble pool and I lost my bearings. This goes on for a while until we are settled onto a hard flat surface. We are out of the cold and slowly the stiffness of being frozen starts to give way to our former state and we regain life. Now we are all our normal green.

We dwell in this sensation for some time. There are a lot of noises around us and again they are strange to us. We grow to our normal seizes and every one smiles silently. The toxic membrane is picked up again and something sharp slides a part of it off and a beam of light touches our faces. It’s wonderful. Then the balance is tipped and we are all sliding out of this jail. In the way we push each other out, content with the opportunity of playfully getting out of here.

What expects us at the end of the fall is a boiling pool of water. The contrast with the cold we not so long ago were confined in feels intense, but we relinquish the feeling and sink together to the metallic depth of the container. The temperature is hotter there and we are paralyzed by it. A few minutes past, and one of my brothers suddenly loses his hold on the floor and floats up. We all stare from underneath. He seems to have fun floating this and that direction so some of us decide to try.

Floating upwards is a wonderful sensation, a rebirth. When we reach the surface of the water, we dance with the bubbles in merriment. The hot water flushes our faces and we take on a grass green tan; we are shiny and beautiful. Feeling proud, we swell up and continue our party for a while.

Suddenly the bubbles stop and the water pool moves. It also gets tipped down and we slide again in the water. A net catches and the rest of my siblings press against me and the net; it gets shaken and we jump by the force. The water slides away; too small to stay with us on the net.

Afterwards we are poured into another flat surface. This one is painted with fake flowers that don’t smell. A lot of colour surrounds us and other elements are placed around us. We don’t know them, but they seem familiar. Maybe they come from a place like our home. This day has been intense, while we lay here I wonder: What’s next?

1 comentarios:

bioshaena dijo...

oh dear! poor beans!

Curious story sis, I like it!

Needs some English tidy up though....

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